Is Maleficent All That Bad?

The last few weeks we have been looking to see if fairy tale villains and seeing if they are really that bad. I chose to write about Maleficent from sleeping beauty and tried to prove her not guilty.

Do you think Maleficent is guilty?

The Super Hero’s 🦸


The last few weeks we have been doing super hero writing. Miss Lock gave us a story starter that we could alter and make our own story’s with. My characters are Violet, Thea, Tamati, Abby (Me) and Maia.

Have you ever used a story starter before? Do you like super heros?

The Super Surprise ✨

This week and last week we had to write a narrative. I chose to write one about a character I made up called Savanna. My story is about when Savanna went to school and none of her friends were there, she went looking for her friends but couldn’t find them.  When the school bell rang to start the day her teacher Mr Hoola told her to go to the school car park. But on the way she ran to her old teacher Mrs Hoop. Mrs Hoop spoiled the surprise: her friends are on holiday without her. Not long after she finds the actual surprise.

Do you have any fed back for me? Have you ever wrote a narrative before?

Missing May

This week we are reading The Red Ball. It’s about two sisters that are as close an age as sisters can be without being twins! You may think this would mean they’d be really close, but you’re wrong. Ida is the oldest she is quite, shy and clumsy. May is the youngest she is loud, smart and never never misses a catch. When they would climb a tree Ida would get stuck and May would have to climb up to get her.

One day at school May got picked for a regional athletics championship and was the only yr 5 that got picked. May was over the moon with excitement. Ida was so envious that May got this scholarship.

After school Ida and May went to the park. Ida was so angry at May that she said some hurtful things to May and threw her red ball away. When May ran of crying to get her red ball, this green eyed fairy appeared next to Ida. Ida started to play the fairy’s game and May and the green eyed fairy disappeared. Then Ida went looking for May…


We could either make a wanted poster for a character in the book or a missing poster. I picked to make a wanted poster for May.

Have you made a wanted or a missing poster before? Do you have any feedback for me?

Red Ball

Quick Write Characters

Today I did some writing called Quick Write Characters. Quick Write Characters is when you make up a character and describe them and give her or him a name. For example my character is named Savanna and her favourite colour is pink.

The Netherlands


For the last few weeks we have been working on an information report of our choice. I picked to do an information report about the Netherlands. I chose to do the Netherlands because when I was growing I had this best friend called Maia. A few weeks after my 7th birthday she moved away to live in the Netherlands with her family.

Do you know anyone that lives in the Netherlands? Have you ever been to the Netherlands?

Earth Posters

Earlier this term we made Earth posters.  We got put into 7 groups.  I got put into a group with Obi, Tamati and Matias. Each group  had to do a poster or some posters about a planet. Our planet was Earth!


Me and Tamati’s ⬆                               Obi’s ⬆                                               Matias’s ⬆


The First Moon Landing



A few weeks ago we were doing more of our solar system slides. We were learning about the first moon landing. I had to create a billboard for one of the slides. I created it on Canva!

On Canva I searched up some billboard ten plates. I found one with a grey background and I deleted everything on it. Then I decorated it and wrote on it.


Have you ever created anything on Canva? Have you ever made a billboard? If you have created a billboard was it about?

Our Dwarf Planet Pluto

This is my dwarf planet report.

We had the choice to write a report about a planet or a dwarf planet except earth. I picked Pluto since Pluto is my favourite dwarf planet.

Did you know that Pluto was a dwarf planet? Did you know that there were five dwarf planets? What is your favourite dwarf planet?